Total Management Framework

Total Management Framework is an important milestone in the evolution of Management Science. 
It is as important for Management Science as Mendeleev’s Periodic Table is important for Chemistry.

Some other important chapters are:

  1. Human Mind
  2. Process of logical Thinking
  3. Knowledge and Information
  4. Paradigm
  5. Science, Engineering, Technology and Art
  6. Information Technology
The Sub Topics of Other Chapters are
  1. Processes
  2. Process Factors
  3. Process Control
  4. Business Processes
  5. Process Map
  6. Management Processes
  7. Process of Goal Setting
  8. Process of Goal Deployment
  9. Process of Planning
  10. Process of Execution
  11. Process of Management Reporting, Review, and Control
  12. Process and Function of Communication and Coordination
  13. Process of Change Management
  14. Process of Work Facilitation
  15. Management System
  16. Facilities and Arrangements for Management System
  17. Components of Management System
  18. Control Mechanisms
  19. Management Intervention

This section explains the entire functional management covering everything from Corporate Management to operations management, and from Marketing Management to Service Management. It also covers areas like R & D Management and culture Management. All these areas are explained using a unique structure. This structure is an important contribution of the Total Management Framework to the evolution of the Management Science. 

This structure enables management professionals to quickly develop comprehension of functional management of different areas and facilitates quick decisions.

The section has following important chapters:

  1. Organization Management
  2. Organization Management Practice
  3. Management of the Stratum of Organization Processes
  4. Management of Stratum of Management System
  5. Business Management
  6. Business Process Management/ Operations Management
  7. Functional Organization of Business Operations
  8. Marketing
  9. Sales
  10. Engineering
  11. Research and Development
  12. Production
  13. Quality
  14. Materials
  15. Maintenance
  16. Logistics
  17. Human Resources Development
  18. Finance and Accounts
  19. Corporate Management
  20. Providing Leadership
  21. Strategic Planning and Management
  22. Management of Organization Culture
  23. Finance Management
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Rs.1,200.00 Rs.1,800.00
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Total Management Framework
Product Details
TMF being a Logical, Holistic, Comprehensive and Detailed alternative to current Empirical understanding of management, it has potential to change the field of management fundamentally. 

The Total Management Framework provides excellent base for configuration of effective management solutions. Apart from providing solutions, adoption of Total Management framework has important and distinct benefits for any business organization.
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